Filmora 3D Sport Opener Pack | Filmstocks 10.0 Effects
- September 25, 2021
- Filmstocks, Plugins Addons
Here is 3D Sport Opener Pack , which will work on Filmora X. With all errors fixed like split screen error, Font missing error and Background Download problem etc. Made it compatible with FilmoraX
Filmstocks 3D Sport Opener Pack from Standard Library Collection – This is a 3D sports competition resource package, which is suitable for TV sports packaging and event interpretation.
These effects are Tested and Working perfectly on Filmora X. and Filmora 10.5
You will need effects fixer 10.5 (or whatever latest available on ask4pc) after installing this effect.
It will fix all errors related to effects.
This Set contains : | |
FilmoraX Effects 3D Sport Opener Pack
Note that these effects will not work on filmora 8.xx or filmora 7.xx.
These are Filmstock Effects for Filmora 10+. FilmoraXÂ is video editor for all creators, is a very easy to learn and use. It’s simplicity doesn’t make it any less powerful. A library feature can be seen in filmora about filmora filmstocks, which contain royalty free images, videos and sound effects. Some of them are free and some of them are chargeable.
Download Filmora Latest Full version from here|ask4pc.
1 more point to remember is Filmora now supports only 64 bit computers, from filmora version 8.0 onwards.
So if you are having 32bit computers download filmora version 7.8.9.
These effects requires atleast filmora version 10.0 version to work perfectly.
Download 3D Sport Opener Pack Filmstock Standard Library from here.
(file name : 3d Sport Opener (ask4pc) 10S.rar) (149 MB)
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Mega Drive
Installing :
- Simply install the setup.
- If you see error like this. Click [ Skip this file ]
- Install effects fixer.
- It will appear on the dashboard.
More effects sets coming .. stay visiting. Like our facebook page and telegram page to get updates.
Suggestions :
- #Remember : If you need password for opening the archive. Simply enter
- Sometimes antivirus cause problem in extracting or installing, turn off antivirus if you are facing issues in extracting.
- Do not install all sets at once, it may slow down filmora.
- You have to install Effects Fixer after installing this, simply use latest Ask4pc Effects Fixer.
- Install effects from 9.2, 9.3 , 9.4, 9.5, 9.5, 10.0 only :
Comment down for any help, suggestion , requests.
All are working now with the new effect fixer – (Filmstocks Effects Fixer10.5.10a ) Thanks for great support
First of all thank you very much for your great support, I installed effects that you released yesterday night, no problem. They are seen on the effects, no problem, but they are not seen on the story (drag and drop or (+) ). The other all effects are working properly. What should I do? Any idea? my version is 10.1.20. I used also effects fixer as usual…
Wait, today we’ll release new Ask4pc Effects Fixer. It will fix it and all new effects.
First of all, thank you very much for your great support! really I appreciate you.
First four effects’ that you released yesterday night installations are ok. they are seen on the effects page, ok. No problem,
However they are not shown on the story even though delete all effects and reload and use effects fixer, and use (+),
none of them solved the problem?
Any previous effects that I installed are working, no problem, just only last released four effects have problem. Any idea?