Ask4pc Filmstocks Effects Fixer 10.5.10 & 9.5.a | Filmora Effects Fix
- September 26, 2021
- Activator, Graphics Editor, Plugins Addons
These universal filmora effects fixer will fix all filmora effects
of collection 9.2 , 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.0 and will make them compatible with Filmora 10.5, 10.2 and Filmora 9.5, downloaded from ask4pc.
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The Problem
Like, 1st they install from filmora 9.4 collection, then they install from filmora 9.2 collection etc.
Although all these effects are perfectly working together on the latest version of filmora, But you have to install any 1 effect from 9.4 collection in the last to fix all effects.
Many users are seeing this kind of popup error while using effects.
Most common issue were :
- Leftover files of any other version of filmora or
- Effects downloaded from any other website than ask4pc.
- leftovers of any other effect’s installation in %temp% folder.
- Filmora version different from Installed effects.
This error had a simple solution,
Uninstall filmora completely, deleting all filmora files folders from programdata , program files and %temp% folders. And then installing ask4pc version of filmora and effects.
But it needs you to uninstall and delete and reinstall all installed effects again and many users were in doubts of how to do it correctly. We are sharing a Ask4pc Effects Fixer in this post. Which will solve all such kind of problems.
Clean Uninstallation
This step is not necessary if you are not changing filmora version. But it will be better to make everything clean.
If you want to uninstall filmora completely and easily the best method is to use Revo Uninstaller‘s Advanced uninstallation feature. It will uninstall and clean all leftover files for a completely clean installation.
While uninstalling choose this setting.
Or manually you can uninstall filmora and delete these folders :
- C:\ProgramData\Wondershare Filmora
- C:\Program Files\Wondershare\Filmora9
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wondershare\Wondershare Helper Compact
- C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Wondershare Filmora 9\
- C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Wondershare\
How to use
Update : Install FilmoraX Latest and install filmora effects from 9.2 , 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.0 collection only.
Old Version : Install Filmora9 version 9.5 and install filmora effects from 9.2 , 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.0Â collection only.
It should work, if you have done a clean installation.
If you are still seeing the Login Required Error while using any effect from these collection, Simply run these fixers.
It will fix this login required error.
Effects Fixer 10.5.10a : can make all effects from 9.2-10.0 collection, compatible with FilmoraX 10.1.20 and FilmoraX 10.5.10 (both)
Effects Fixer 9.5.a :Â will make all all effects from 9.2-10.0 collection, compatible with Filmora9 9.5.
Dont forget to comment down if it worked for you or not.
After installing any effect, you just have to run this fix again, No uninstallation and reinstallation required for effects.
Download Ask4pc Filmora Effects Fixer 10.5.10a (1.39 MB) from here.
(file name : EffectsFixer10.5.10a.(ask4pc).rar)
Download Ask4pc Filmora Effects Fixer 9.5.a (1.19 MB) from here.
(file name : EffectsFixer.9.5.a.rar) (December 2020 update)
Suggestions :
- If you see [Error 400], then, install any one effect AGAIN from 9.2-10.0 collection, and install this fixer AGAIN.
This error comes when Effects fixer can’t detect installed effects in your pc. - After installing any effect, you just have to run this fix again, It will take care of everything.
- Some antivirus may detect the installer as virus. But it is false positive,
Here is VirusTotal Report of the file :Â Virustotal Report - While installing any filmora effects if you see error like this, simply click [ Skip this file ].
Or simply go and delete that annoying folder.
hi admin.. there is update effect fixer for 10.7??
i have use this filmora 10.7 but all effect can not used…
after i patched with the fixer it will always crashed i can even play clip in the titles
Dear admin.
Ihave a clean windows installed, win 7.
I installed filmora as per the instructions, and it worked.
I’m registered and all is fine.
No matter what effects I install, and using the fixer for 10.5.10, no effects are showing.
I uninstalled, clean my registry, and retried.
No matter what I do, effect packs and all their included content do not show.
Thanks for all that you guys do.
Thank you
Make sure you are installing correct versions of filmora and effects and effect fixer.
Filmora (10.5.10 version) + Effects (9.2-10.0 version) + Effects Fixer (10.5.10a version) will work perfectly.
can we update to 10.7 and make the effects working too ? i notice that now is 10.7, and i try the Artistic 9.2 for example. i try the close filmora and Run the Fixer (10.5.10a version) its not working – maybe because of the 10.7?
Wait for the new release. Not tested yet.
yes thank you. i’ve confirmed it. For those who wondering.
login in 10.7 still working= no watermark. but effects not working. Also dont download directly from filmora since it will automatically straight to 10.7 version (which u wont get all the effects to be working)
gotta stick with what Ask4pc (10.5 version) gave u. all is fine.
Thank you admin!

It was not necessary to uninstall the program! I use version, I just installed the file “EffectsFixer10.1.20. (Ask4pc) .rar)” and when I opened it again Filmora didn’t ask me to login! Thank you admin!
Não foi necessario desinstalar o programa! Eu uso a versão, apenas instalei o arquivo “EffectsFixer10.1.20. (Ask4pc) .rar)” e quando abri novamente o Filmora não pediu para fazer o login! Obrigado adm!
so everytime you install a new effect, you must install the effects fixer again?
More Importantly on Version 10.1.20 and Above…
1. I wish Filmora programmers could improve on the effect pack category section, by adding a kind of search bar to it. (an opportunity to search by name.) or ability to move around faster, with the up and down arrow keys.
2. Also wish they could add the “On and Off” EYE Icon or Check Box to the Title Advance Edit Section… in case someone wishes to revert to the initially not needed text on a particular template, now wishing to re-use the same later.
You guys are doing great and we are proud of you
Thank you as you act promptly
Hi guys!
We need the fix effects for Filmora new updates.
Could you help us?? Thx a lot!
Hi, I’ve downloaded and installed filmora X along with some effects and the fixer. It works perfectly but when I download effects from filmstock it says that login is required. It worked at first, I can apply the effects downloaded from filmstock but now it doesn’t work anymore. How do I fix this?
hello i downloaded the latest version of filmora along with the effects that are included apply the effects repairer and when i open the application are all the effects only i notice that the effects that come by default if you see the thumbnails and the effects that come on the page ask4pc if they serve but do not see the thumbnails why is that?
Install effects fixer.
Hi Sr.
I have Filmora 10.1, I download the fixer 10.1.10 and I see the effects but don´t see the previewe of the effects. What can I do for fixit and viewe again the previewes?
Step 1. Install Any Ask4pc Effect AGAIN.
Step 2. Install effects fixer AGAIN.
It will work.
hola señor una pregunta querÃa saber como hago para activar la licencia de la ultima version de filmora x de soy usuario novato en
Read this post.
Admin, It may be a dumb question but I am still a newbie at this. If I install today an effect and used effects fixer on the same day and it fixed the issues. And tomorrow I will also download and install an effect, do I need to install again the effects fixer?
– newbie user on
Fixer is needed for old effects to make it compatible with new version.
Fixer will fix collection 9.2-9.5 and make it compatible with filmora 10.x.
mostly it is not needed for 10.0 collection of effects. But there is no harm if you use it.
to make it simple. “Yes install it again, after installing all effects”
Hello Sir I’m Imran!
A few days ago I installed the filmora 10 from Ask4pc and effects also but some effects are not showing on the software and some of them are still not downloaded means they are showing but still want to download
Sorry For my Mistakes In English.
Please Help Me
sir please tell me that it is safe or not my antivirus id saying it a severe trojan virus this can destroy your pc i am afraid to download this please send me a feedback about this to download it again
i got also same problem, after a day when i opened my laptop a pop up showed virus found,i quickely runned a scan,on the next when i opened my laptop same popup showed , i suffered for one week
after that i runned a commend in run (window+run)
Check files size and file name from the post. Make sure you don’t download ads.
Also you can check on virustotal website.
Other than this all files on ask4pc are 100% safe.
i follow the instructions (in installing the effects, clicking skip option) after that i install the fixer but the effects is missing .. what should i do next?
Check versions. of filmora, effects and fixer.
i install filmora x. but the video i import is not working properlt but the audio is fine. i only see different plain color.
OK I have portable filmora
is there any way to work with portable filmoroa?
Install ask4pc version of filmora. Tested on it only. Can’t say about others.
Scroll down & click on Download Links Here button for your destination link
cant find download link. please guide me
Now it should work fine.